
By dunkyc

Tight Lines

M’boy and I had intended on easing into the day somewhat with bacon and egg butties in front of the previous night’s Match of the Day.

Those plans were curtailed on the arrival of a belated message via EW2 that The Youngest now needed picking up an hour earlier than first advertised. Still in our PJs and munching our breakfast as we ran out of the door, we headed back up to the wilds to collect a very tired Matty. Best guesstimate is that she had somewhere approaching four hours of sleep in the tent with 7 other girls last night. 

The parent willingly responsible for this madness looked surprisingly chipper and awake! We did a little recce of Killington Reservoir on our return, which seemed quite nice, but nothing amazing and enjoyed a winding route home. Prepping a picnic and gathering the fishing stuff together, we headed off for a little tarn near Selside and spent the next few hours sitting around, chatting and catching some fish. They even cast out the main rod n reel a couple of times too with only the smallest amount of snagging. 

As the day wore on, a tired Matty became frustrated that she hadn’t caught anything herself, but that was until the last cast of the day when she excitedly brought in a good sized roach, which she named Jeremy (extra). He was safely deposited back in the lake along with m’boy’s last one; Jeffrey Bezos.

Their combined tiredness and irritability didn’t make for the nicest end to the day, but some time after being sent to their rooms to cool off, Matty failed to resurface and had fallen fast asleep around 7pm.

Not a bad day for the cost of a one-day rod licence and a tin of sweetcorn!

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