Through The Autism Lens


Autism MYTH#4

Autism is something you can turn on and off when it suits

HAHA! - I know what my Mom's response to this would be but I'm not allowed to use naughty words so I won't! ;-)

Part of me really wishes this was true but then, like Mom always says, if I didn't have my Autism, I wouldn't be ME!

Though I cannot turn it on and off to suit myself (or anyone else for that matter) I CAN control it. It takes a LOT of my energy to do so, but I am learning every day to control it that little bit more. That doesn't mean I will ever be shut of it though. It is with me for the rest of my life and that's just something that I will have to learn to live with. As will anyone else who walks into my life.

I know of nobody who is purely autistic, or purely neurotypical. Even God has some autistic moments, which is why the planets spin ~ Jerry Newport author of Your Life is Not a Label (also one of my Mom's favourite quotes)

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