Butterfly Bonanza - Mill Moor

I chose to walk fairly early this morning, but I was still pretty tired when I got home.  I'm have to do more practising - when I think that going up the hill would only have been the start of a regular 7 or 8 mile walk.  I'm sure I've been setting the wrong priorities lately.

Anyway, back to butterflies:

Top left - a very tasty Meadow Brown just at the start of my walk - I think it's male (but I'm no expert).
Top middle and right - two Speckled Wood, not very far apart
Middle left and middle: Gatekeepers - there were four of five together
Middle right:  prize Peacock, though it flew before I could take another - very scare this year.
Bottom - all three: small copper (same one) the first I've seen this year.

This afternoon's triumph - I've managed to get my old A4 epson printer working, just in case the yellow remains bunged up in the A3 printer I will have something to print with.

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