Occasional Blipper

By GetYourBootsOn

Red-Eye Vapours

I went to let the dogs out the back door this morning and this is the view that greeted me. 
Staying in SW Scotland we are right under the transit point where most of the transatlantic flight traffic from Heathrow and Northern Europe to Canada and the US passes overhead, leaving UK airspace. Because of that you can pretty much look up at any time of day and see some patterns of vapour trails. At this time of the morning it tends to be the overnight or 'red-eye' flights that pass over from West to East heading for Heathrow, Schipol, Frankfurt etc.
If you've ever taken one you'll know why they get the name, you leave the US in the evening their time, a bit too early to get to sleep. By the time you do you're half way across and 3 hours ahead in timezones. That jet stream is usually doing its best to assist in getting you home quickly. You've dozed off but it's getting daylight. Before you know it the cabin lights are on and the crew are trying to serve you a breakfast. The buzz starts and people are shuffling around prepping for the landing and you think to yourself, how the hell did that happen, we've not long taken off! You head to the bathroom, give the face a splash and brush those furry teeth. You look up at the mirror and see those red eyes and think WTF!
Sound familiar?
Going back to the first lockdown in 2020 we had a glorious 10 weeks of weather when the sky was clear blue pretty much every day. It did a lot (the nice weather) to help everyone with the pressures of this unknown 'thing' that was happening to us all. I clearly remember looking up at this same sky and not seeing a single trail and it was weird with a capital W! 
There's a strong argument to say we fly too much, and if you ever use any of the Plane finder apps you'll be staggered to see how many flights are in the air at any given time. at the same time, I never want to see the skies empty like that again, if they are some more serious sh1t has hit the fan!!

To anyone who reads this far, thank you and thanks to all so far for your follows, stars, comments and even a couple of fav's. Over a month in and loving it!

Just realised it's supposed to be Tiny Tuesday, damn, but there is a tiny horse in the pic if you look close enough!

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