Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Relaxing Tuesday

Leisurely start then visit to AJ. Apart from the injury to her had and some skin tears to her arms no other damage following her fall out of bed yesterday. She was in good form and it was a lovely visit.

Quick supermarket shop and tg3n home for lunch.

Heat increasing so decided to stay in this afternoon - we are fortunate that our house keeps cool - sun at the front in the morning but at the back in the evening (lounge in the front). Daughter and boys came over, they had been at the park and needed to cool down - toys and a lolly, plus snack - happy boys.

Cooked tea early then took the dogs over the park as it was cooler - they had a lovely run. Extras from the walk around the park.

Watched the penultimate Stranger Things tonight (leaving the last one to the weekend) - so good.


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