30 degrees C in Gloucester

The weather is locked into a Mediterranean pattern here at the moment. Clear blue skies from dawn to dusk and the temperature nudging a little higher every day.

Today I took the car to Gloucester for its annual service. As it was a so called minor service I opted to wait while the service MOT and aircon repairs were carried out.
(There was nothing minor about the charges but the final bill was less than I had expected!)

Tourists were melting in the heat radiating off the Cathedral walls. I found a shady spot near the docks to have my picnic and sketch out a potential work blog.

By late afternoon the day trippers had returned to their transport and the shoppers had had enough of the heat. Gloucester was rapidly becoming a ghost town.

The repaired air-con made my drive home in 30 degree heat much more bearable.

RIP “ONJ” as the Australians fondly called Olivia Newton John.

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