little bitty leaves from a young, small acer

The volcano is exciting and dangerous to visit. The hike is 17 km round trip and the route is covered with big rocks. Iceland is full of elves, some of them invisible, and this is the perfect opportunity to trip humans just for fun. Sometimes the weather is too bad on the mountain and hiking is even more dangerous, such as the last two days. In addition, children under 12 are not allowed. The authorities don't want anyone going (too late) but they are not allowing kids because they might inhale toxic fumes and that would be particularly bad for younger, developing lungs. 

Fortunately, you can do a flyover on dragons. 

Kate's grandson is going to LOVE that we're doing that! 

Russia has lost lots of tanks and armored personnel carriers. Sanctions are impacting Russia's ability to carry out the war. Remember that Russia suggested to Turkey that they'd like a drone factory for Bayraktars? (Mr. Bayraktar said no way, they support Ukraine.) Now they are trying to buy drones from Iran. Russia is using merchant vessels to move military cargo from other countries, like Syria. They may buy artillery from North Korea. 

Meanwhile, Ukraine attacks their depots, rail lines, and bridges. Russia's front line units are getting smaller resupplies. 

Zelensky said far fewer Ukrainian soldiers die daily than earlier in the war. 

Zelensky thanked the US for the latest security aid package.

Russia said that its munitions exploded in Crimea and that it was not caused by an incoming strike. A video showed that a warplane was completely destroyed too. Local officials said they didn't know what happened, but raised the terrorist threat level. Then an official said that a device exclusively manufactured in Ukraine was used. This would be a big deal, because Ukraine doesn't have many weapons that can reach that far.  Ukraine said the attack involved partisan resistance forces but wouldn't say whether they did it on their own or helped regular Ukrainian military units target it. Publicly, Ukraine refused to confirm their involvement and suggested that Russian personnel follow no-smoking regulations. Given that Russia pretended the Moskva sank because their soldiers were smoking, you have to love that attitude. 

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