Woman Walking

By njoyce06


The hardest part about traveling is getting ready.  Today I had a dentist appointment,  then I came home around noon.  Laundry,cleaning out refrigerator, haircut,   then home to get the bonsai and Abby.  I have to take the bonsai out to the nursery so they will be watered and cared for the way  need to be.  It's an hour out to the nursery, an hour to unload the plants and an hour home. 
     I hadn't eaten all day, the refrigerator was empty so out to dinner I went.
      Now I am packing clothes.  I realized I had been so busy and now I am ready for bed, but no Blip.  So I got the suitcase I am working on.
      Tomorrow am, I have a Dr. Appt, then after I pack the car I will take Abby to the spa.  I plan on spending some time time there to help Abby adjust.  After that I will start driving north and hopefully I will get to the Florida line as I head north and a hotel room for the night.  
I think I will sleep like a rock tonight.

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