Well today as the title say's I just can't be arsed at all today I went out early to print off a couple of my photos to put in our works photo cabinet as it was looking bare yesterday and I am trying to stay calm until tomorrow afternoon I ran out of my Blood Pressure tablets Friday and missed the pharmacy Saturday so I thought right Mark don't be getting stressed not that I do that often well that didn't last long today I went to fill up the car with petrol at Tesco there were only two cars one guy was hoovering his car and I stopped at the pump so I pushed the button to pay at the kiosk and waited for the attendant to push the button to allow me to fill Nothing so I waited and waited still nothing but I had my back to the window so could not see inside so I turned round in what seemed like an eternity to see three lady's behind the counter in a huddle all laughing so I waved to get there attention Nothing well that was it the kettle inside me was starting to boil so I stomped over to the window and a LOUD bare knuckle rap at the window made them turn around I mouthed to them Push The Fu***ng Button so I can get my petrol well they all scurried about there business and I said to myself I'm not going to stand around in a howling gale like a fanny just for the sake of it and not even an apology when I went in to pay hurrumff anyhow I was talking to a workmate last night reminiscing about when I lodged for EWS trains back in the nineties at Appleby in Westmoreland Cumbria that wee town hosts the annual Gypsy Horse Fayre their each year well we stayed there for most of November and left on the 2nd of December and when I was telling my colleague when it was time to leave the manager of the wee pub we stayed in which was The Royal Oak it had nine rooms all with drivers and managers staying there and the manager said I cant believe your meals for the month I had had Beef and Ale pie 28 times and a Christmas Dinner on the last night as it was the 1st of December when the Christmas meals started he said to me do you not like variety at your meals I said I did he replied how so, well I said 7 times I had roast tatties,7 boiled,7 mashed and 7 with chips but I varied the veg as well he laughed his head off but there beef and ale pie was scrummy so if you ever hear the chant who ate all the pies it was Youngie haha and the other funny thing that happened back then I was a late shift so I had a wee lie in the morning and the cleaner who done all the 9 rooms was the spitting image of Aunt Sally from the TV show Worzel Gummidge she had the fake big rosy cheeks well anyway I had showered and was almost fully dressed I hadn't quite done up my trousers fully in one pocket was a load of coins and my car keys and in my other pocket was my railway and personal mobile phones so there was a lot of weight there and just then in burst Aunt Sally to clean my room and I jumped with the fright and my trousers fell to the floor ok not too bad I hear you say but that day for some reason I had chose to go Commando Aww Naw I just stood with a smile on my face well what else can you do haha ohh and her cheeks got even rosier ahh the memories indeed I better watch all my good railway stories will be gone before I decide to do my book that I'm thinking of doing now then after getting back to the house thinking I can't be Arsed I decided to get the big parasol up and sit in the garden with some salt and vinegar crisps along with some Belhaven Best Beer and I lit my wee heater with the Bio-ethonal fuel to make it a wee bit cheerier and nice to have the sun poking out just in time along with my Lion Rampant Flag blowing in the wind so it is homemade Cottage Pie not beef and ale sadly for one tonight with a crusty bloomer which will have the mandatory Lurpak butter scraped over it mmmmm I'm getting hungry already, now then movie for the day has to be "The Life Of Pi 2012".

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