
By RowseblogDC

Take me out to the ball game...

My birthday and a big family outing to the ball game - Nats v The Cincinnati Reds. Di and I + Katie , Ian and the girls (aged 18 m0nths and 2 months) and fellow grandparents Wendy and Dave. (there were also nearly 39,000 others on a beautiful spring day).

A great day out - the Nats won after a great display in the middle innings and spectacular defence from Denard Span including one awesome catch to prevent a '3 run homer' - I sound just like a native already...

Back to Falls Church for Chinese and beers - happy days!

Baseball is growing on us - at first complex if not dull, knowing the rules and some of the daft vocabulary soon ups the intrigue and interest.

We will be back...

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