
By minniemouse1966

Moseley Old Hall

H was off again today but she had a teams meeting about another position so she had to come and use my laptop so after her meeting ( I had to hide myself away in my bedroom) as it was such a lovely day again we decided to go to the National Trust Moseley Old Hall which was used as a hiding place for Charles II we went into the house first as we were able to visit all the floors as after a while they were closing the upstairs so we would have only been able to visit the kitchen and the parlour. We then had lunch in the tearoom gardens which was lovely and then we had a walk around the gardens before going back to the tearoom for scones with jam and cream. This evening I had been invited out for tea with three of my friends from work we had a lovely evening which went on and on in fact were the last to leave I think the pub staff were waiting to shut I can't remember the last time I was out so late not at a party but we had a very enjoyable evening and I hope we can do it again soon.

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