
A bit of a left-field choice for CyclopsJnr this week as he is usually so sporty, but this three-day camp was administered by his school holiday club and fit in perfectly around our holiday.

Cookery school!

The kids are taken on a minibus to Edinburgh School of Food & Wine for the day!

Well excitingly, today they made Mexican food including burritos, watermelon lemonade and (CyclopsJnr's absolute favourite food) CHURROS!!!! So CyclopsJnr was thrilled with that and MrsCyclops was very proud to sample one from a box that he brought home.

CyclopsJnr seems to have enjoyed himself. He has also made friends with a ten year old girl who he partnered up with today. They also sat together on the bus and she let him play on her phone and have some of her snack. So he is pretty impressed by her.

He was full of chat and looking forward to going again tomorrow.

He is also keen to use his recipe to make more churros at home.

Here is a photo of CyclopsJnr with his box of churros and - our road. The other notable thing happening round here is that our road has been resurfaced today.

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