Brooke's Puppies

3years 189days

Katie's been a star today! Its been a working day for Mummy, but she's taken part in it all and loved it, plus been really good. The first session was a family shoot in the woods. Having Katie there brought their 2 year old right out of his shell and very much encouraged the session a long. She enjoyed the run round too. The family laughed at just how much energy she has!

After the session we went for brunch in town. She started out that she wanted sausage and beans. Added bacon. Added hash brown. She may as well have had a full whammy! But she ate it. We were then picked up by our friend's fiance to go do photographs of their new baby boy. Katie and their eldest are good friends and played super beautifully together. They were playing doctors, kitchens, mummies - allsorts. Katie was very mothering of Tatiana, helping her do things and taking care of her. Plus I got snuggles with gorgeous little Joshua.

Final stop of the day was the studio. Katie's bestie, Brooke, came to play. With their two 11-week old labrador pups. Katie had been so excited about it. Crazy excited. As soon as one of them ran up to her though she cried proper terrified tears before spending half an hour sat on the top of the baby change unit. She went off to play with Brooke when the jumping had calmed a bit. They were making houses in the ball pool and having tea parties with the ducks. When the pups ran out of hyper (which came after a play in the fire engine, posing on chairs, playing in baskets and more!) they snuggled down on the posing beanbag. Katie then braved going up to them. Just about. A tiny prod at first. A brief stroke. She then ran away with a grin.

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