
I have been a fan of Time management since my 30’s. Pye Unicam introduced Time Management International to us and as a company it worked very very well. Over the years I have modified my approach according to ‘the daily flavour’ - Some work, some do not - its all to do with personal taste. 

Obviously since I retired I have taken less notice of modern trends in management systems but last week daughter Nicki introduced me to the ‘Pomodoro Technique’ of time management. 

Even though it was developed in the 80’s by Francesco Cirillo I had not come across it. He used a kitchen time in the shape of a tomato to set 25 minute work intervals followed by a 5 minute break etc It goes on for 5 steps. 

So I sent for a cheap ‘tomato timer’ (good ole Amazon). It was a good buy as I had dropped and smashed my digital time a couple of weeks ago when I was cooking a curry.

Today I had the task of sorting out prints from our camera club members for our first meeting of the new season. I had something like 200 prints to reduce down to just over 100. Not an easy task.

I set the timer to 25 minutes and it worked the first time. I had my 5 minute break and returned refreshed. But, when went off again I just thought I will just do this ‘little’ bit then have a 5 minute break - 90 minutes later Sue said ‘Time for lunch’

Oh dear - Still got a bit to learn :)

I did reward myself with a nice glass of white wine and a bowl of nuts when I finished this evening.

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