Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A special day today! T’was J’s birthday. I brought her coffee and bagels in bed first thing, then she went to her gym class, of course. She got her (first) present - a ticket to see Lindisfarne at the Queen’s Hall on Sunday. She was quite excited… But the treats continued when she came home - I made her favourite breakfast - scrambled egg with smoked salmon. Meanwhile, Christine had dropped off a parcel at the door, but I caught her sneaking away - Dougal and Archie had a nuzzle at the gate.

We then went out for lunch to Dine, where we’ve been before. A short bus ride down, which was good because it was SO HOT - I would have been a wet blob had we walked. We had an excellent meal. Bus back home, and I had to have a lie down while J took Archie out for a run in the graveyard, which is well shaded.

Later, we popped over to have a glass of bubbly with Hazel in her back garden. It was so good to make the most of the warm summer evening. Elizabeth joined us, as she was dropping off a present. J was thoroughly spoiled. 

I also got her earrings. Very twinkly ones. 

A thoroughly good day all round!

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