Occasional Blipper

By GetYourBootsOn


Last night I took some pics of the moon which was nearly full to my eye (see extra) and thought "right I'm going to get a pic of it rising tomorrow" (today). So I took my trusty Oly M1X, 300mm f4 and 2x converter a mile down the road from the house to the Solway coast. Across the water from us are the Anthorn Radio Masts which, apart from being used to communicate with our Nuclear Subs (don't tell anyone), transmit the UK Time signal/pips. From where I was standing the moon was rising right in the middle of them. This is the result, it looked more like the sun setting than the moon rising, that was the colour I was seeing. You can see the moon is quite fuzzy and a bit squashed looking, this wasn't the lens, just the effects of the atmosphere we are looking through at this very oblique angle. I watched it get higher but as it was getting so dark I thought I'd better head back as I was about half a mile along the marshland. I've put one of the slightly higher shots as an extra where it's still quite red and also the other one was from last night when it was a good bit higher and I took it from the balcony on the house.

Anyhoo, hope you like and thanks all for previous comments etc.

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