Sunshine Blue & Yellow

First of all, my wireless connection is deepy iffy and I cannot connect to the mains and the router at the same time so I may not be able to comment on everyone as I would wish. Bloody technology!
This afternoon we visited Stirling University campus just for a nosey around to see if the swans and other water fowl were nesting. We saw a few nests, only one of which was a swans. There was one swan on the nest but it was standing on the edge preening. The egg (just one) was open to the chilly breeze; I doubt if that one will hatch.
Fiona (FD55) called in this afternoon and we had a pleasant blether. The hen night - last night - went off well and all other plans are pretty well sorted so its just a matter of waiting.
Dinner done and being digested and Rona walked so we are just waiting on the Antiques Roadshow, our favourite Sunday night prog.

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