
...in size is quite big between these two. The one on the left is older, but primarily it's because of differences between breeds. The little Eastern Finnish heifer will never grow much bigger than this.

Sprayed the next winter wheat field in the morning, so the seed better arrive! I ordered it, but it will be of new crop and there's no guarantee all orders can be filled.

I noticed a little technical problem with the tractor's 3-point linkage while filling the sprayer. It wasn't level and the reason was that the right lift link (not sure about the name of the part, there seems to be more than one in use) was longer than it should be. I'm sure it hasn't been adjusted that long, so it's likely that the thread inside is giving up. It stayed where it should be after readjustment, but can't be trusted in the long run.

More preparations of the new pasture in the afternoon, but a longish coffee break in between. +25-ish temperature is tolerable to work in, but it makes you tired.

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