Windmill 'De Hoop', Zuilichem

'Hoop' sounds like and means 'hope', but can also mean 'heap'.
'Zuilichem' = 'SIGH-li-kum' but with a 'z' instead of an 's'.
We haven't had a 'Hope' windmill for quite a while!

And while I did not want to hope for anything today, and I also do not like to call it 'hope', I faced things mindfully and did my best for today's job interview... and it lasted almost two hours.  The gentleman arrived at the parking area about a minute before I did, but of course I did not know it was him.  I parked right beside his car and was intending to ask him which building I had to go to, when he guessed immediately that I was the one he had to interview.  In short, our talk began right there.  Instead of proceeding right away to the meeting area, he took the opportunity to show me around, pointed out the various buildings, and explained how each college differed.  The vacancy right now is for the Hotel and Restaurant Management division.

To make a long story short, it was a smashing interview.  He checked my resumé and referred to it constantly, noting that I had considerable practical experience in all the relevant subjects, and the fact that I live right here is a super plus point.  They have candidates from all over Europe, and while nationality is not a priority (if you're good, you're good, never mind where you come from), someone living closer to the school will have an edge because it will mean less travel compensation and no housing issue.

After more than an hour of discussing the school vision, objectives, curriculum, and structure, he looked through my CV to see if there was anything more to discuss, and he then smiled and said that he'd looked at my hobbies... because it turns out that we have the exact same hobbies -- genealogy, writing, reading, photography, some travel, and... hold your breath... WINDMILLS!  :D)))  By that time, the ice was well and truly broken.

The interview ended on a very promising note.  There is one more candidate he needs to look at, but so far he has received no further word from this candidate.  It is an internal issue, and candidates 'from inside' will have priority, so he will go after this next week, but if he hears nothing more, uh... could I start on Monday over a week?  Of course!

I had to go home first and talk to AW about the whole thing.  He is very pleased and very proud and I said we have to wait a little bit yet because of that one candidate.  Indeed, there will be no ellabration until I've signed the piece of paper.  We must remain mindful and not hopeful, keep both boots on the ground.  Speaking of which... the new pair is very comfortable, albeit rather warm in this weather.  I am glad I dressed appropriately.  My future boss came in semi-formal attire.

Windmill 'The Hope' reflects my happiness today.  A sunny day, a beautiful mill, its arms wide and welcoming, and a very happy AW.  In the evening, he went to Sweed's and Benna's for their usual Friday night live bridge, and I went back to MOOCking, gaming, and kitchen duties.  Starting tomorrow, more housekeeping as I think it would be good to prepare this way for what's ahead.  Third Eye, you've done a good job.

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