Catching the light.

One of my prolific flowering shrub roses catching the light this morning, up near the summerhouse.
According to an article in the Times newspaper this morning about how to water your garden, the roses love heat. It also had some very welcome suggestions about which plants to water (albeit sparingly with a watering can) and which ones, including some perennials can survive in these unusually high temperatures.
Our gardens here simply are not used to prolonged stretches of very hot dry weather.
The water in our two butts has been used up now. So I can only carry half a measure in the watering can at a time. It’s too heavy when it’s full.
Stephen helped last night, with a full can as it’s a long way to the top of the garden.
The article also had suggestions of plants which tolerate these conditions which I aim to implement some of them here where I’ve lost others.
My Californian poppies simply thrive! I used three packets of seed earlier and they just keep on giving!
I think tomorrow is expected to be the last of this heatwave.
Then we will all breathe a collective sigh of relief!
Until we turn to our habitual way of moaning about lack of sunshine, and the rain.
This afternoon we had an invitation to an impromptu Post Commonwealth Games informal party gathering at one of the people Stephen used to work with before he retired.
They have a large garden and a cute small dog called Betsy.
We meet up from time to time for a pub lunch, always enjoyable.
Well, time for me to move, so stay cool out there those of you longing for a break in the heat, lower temperatures are on their way.

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