Before the rain

We went to Saughton Park this afternoon to see a friend’s exhibition which has been taking place over three days in a room beside the courtyard. Quite a few red dots on his pictures and several people visiting, so he seemed to be having a successful weekend. He was also selling cards of the pictures with proceeds going to the park and we bought a few of these - they should come in handy for a few birthdays coming up. We already have one of his pictures in our hallway - a depiction of people finishing at parkrun at Cramond. Quite a few of the regulars appear (including me and my husband) finishing along with people much faster, so there’s a fair bit of artistic licence!

Afterwards we had a wander round the park which is still looking splendid, despite being a bit parched. It was nice also to be able to get into the glasshouse (which was still closed last time I visited) and see the pond with the goldfish.  I miss the glasshouses being open at the Botanics now that all the renovations are going on.

It’s been fairly cloudy all day and the thunder and rain started around 5 o’clock, although it hasn’t lasted that long. We’ll see what the rest of the evening brings.

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