At the Garlic Farm

The photo shows the restaurant at the Garlic Farm and a wooden carving…of garlic! 

I had visited a few years ago but we had booked for lunch today after reading a good review in one of the weekend papers a month or so ago. The lunch was delicious…virtually every dish had some form of garlic in it. We had a variety of Mezze dishes all with really nice garlic pitta or garlic ciabata. For desert I tried the chocolate and garlic ice cream which was nice and did not taste noticeably of garlic but was not as sweet as some ice creams.
You can go on a trail round the garlic fields which gives you lots of information but Because of the hot weather this year the garlic has already been harvested so not so much to see. 

The shop had lots of garlic of different varieties ( Our Waitrose sells garlic from this Garlic Farm) and things such as garlic jam and garlic chutney .

Later on we went to the beach for some rock pooling when the tide was out, with the grandchildren. No crabs caught but we saw lots of different molluscs attached to the rocks and two types of sea anemones. 

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