Well that’s me signed off…

… by the orthopedic team! There are normally markers to meet at 6 weeks and 12 weeks but since I’ve already met all the 12 week markers  there’s no point in doing a repeat at 12 weeks. I must admit I was surprised how stable I was standing on one leg (the operated one!).
And my scar is perfect. Shame I can’t really get it out on display!
So that’s it; treat it nicely for another 6 weeks while increasing the distance I walk. I replied that I was in town about 3 times a week now but would aim for every day. Sergio then said ‘ Were  you in town before you came here today?’. Yes I said. I knew I’d seen you before he replied. And you looked as if your stick was just along for the ride! I must admit generally I just drag it around but it’s very handy when I get tired and it encourages the bus drivers to give me time…
So it looks as if the blue crutches’ time has come to and end again. Do I donate to St John or hang on in case I have a third reason to use them? Donate I reckon. If I have another op I’ll choose another colour.
Pic is my iced latte in M&S before I caught the bus. And don’t forget it’s not just any ice(d) latte it’s M&S ice!!

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