I’d looked at the weather apps and expected the morning to be dry and the afternoon wet.

I left for Grasmere soon after 9 and had planned a circular walk mostly along off road footpaths which would take me back to the car via the Co-op for groceries and then the Herdy shop for some notebooks (my treat of the week instead of wine).

Hadn’t been walking long when I realised I’d left my phone at home so had no bank payment method. I haven’t received the replacement debit card for the one I lost last week and (because I always carry my phone with Apple Pay) took the other out of my purse in case I lost that too. The credit cards have been cancelled by the banks.

Still, I had my emergency £10 note so that would buy my Herdy things and the food wasn’t as important.

A bit further up the hill it started to rain. I’d taken a waterproof jacket but left it in the car. Time to retreat and sit in the car until 10 o’clock when the shop opened.

The afternoon was dry.

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