The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

The "Kitchen warming" of the year.

How many people can say they have been invited to a kitchen warming party?

My brother, Big A and Margie have been planning this kitchen for 2 years and it was finally finished. It is a stunning kitchen and It should feature in a magazine, but it was punted into the distance by the news that they had just returned from their wedding breakfast.


When life kicks you, you hope that someone will be there to help you.These two found each other and helped build a whole new life after they found themselves on the end of two different ropes, dangling alone. We had our doubts that they would ever make it legal, but we are so happy that they had a secret wedding in the very large golfing hotel with their kids.

All the guests to the "Kitchen warming", found out as they arrived. Most reading it from the menu that they had printed, to mark their day.
To say the noise of happiness that emanated from that house was loud, would be a huge understatment. The happiness spilled down the street as we arrived. Within 10 minutes my cheeks were sore with joy.

I could not put into words my feelings that their marriage has given me.
To be invited to celebrate with them and the family, was an honour. I wish them a long and happy marriage and lots and lots of grandchildren.

Love you guys.

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