Heaven at Bolsover Castle

The painted ceiling in this closet at Little Castle depicts Christ's ascension to heaven. A ring of cherubs surround Christ as he rises towards the light above.
The angels around the outside play all manner of instruments including, lutes, horns, triangles, harps, violins and tambourines.
The Heaven closet symbolises divine love

Bolsover Castle was built by Sir Charles Cavendish in 1612 and completed by his son William.
With glorious panoramic views over the Vale of Scarsdale, the Castle was designed as a fantasy house for entertainment and pleasure. Marvel at the fairytale Little Castle and its rich panelling, elaborate fireplaces and painted ceilings and learn about Bolsover's rich past - and a royal visit in 1634! Explore the atmospheric ruined Terrace Range and the enchanting Venus Garden with its secluded love seats and intriguing statues. See the most important 17th Century riding house in the country - where Sir William trained his horses in disciplined manoeuvres

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