All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Camelon Lock number 12

Had a much better nights sleep last night - "only" woke up 5 times and didn't have so much tossing and turning for hours afterwards - yay! Still feeling very cooped up in the house though so when my husband said he wanted to drive out to Larbert to check up on a burst watermain repair (he works for Scottish Water before you start thinking he's a right saddo), I said I'd go with him just for the journey. After speaking to the squad who were working on site, we drove back home via Falkirk and stopped at the canal to take a few photos.

My sister & I were went on quite a few canal holidays as children as my father loves narrowboats. There were no narrowboats to be seen on this stretch of the canal but there was a boat being taken up through a section of locks from lock 11 to lock 16. On all the holidays we went on, part of the fun was being allowed to operate the locks ourselves, but I noticed here there were 2 British Waterways employees doing all the hard work. Apparently boats actually have to book in advance with British Waterways to obtain assisted passage through these locks. I wonder how often they do get calls asking for attendance.

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