Gobeithion gwyrdd

Gobeithion gwyrdd ~ Green hopes

“Since thoughts, like feathers, are blown by the wind of hope and fear, The dignified poet remains wherever he is”
—Chögyam Trungpa

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Nawr bod y glaw wedi dychwelyd rydyn ni'n gobeithio bod y ffrwythau yn gallu tyfu i aeddfedrwydd yn hytrach na disychu ar y llwyn, fel y mafon. Mae'n dda iawn i weld yr ardd yn dychwelyd i'n dychwelyd i'w gwyrddni yn gyffredinol hefyd.

Aethon ni allan yn y prynhawn i ymweld â ffrindiau yn Cil-y-coed. Mae e wedi bod llawer o flynyddoedd ers i ni dreulio amser gyda nhw ac roedd e'n dda iawn i fod gyda nhw eto. Roedd e'n ddiddorol i glywed straeon o'u bywyd, yn enwedig eu bywyd yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud.  Tra roedd pethau yn eithaf hawdd i ni, roedd pethau yn fwy anodd i'n ffrindiau a phobol eraill. Maen nhw wedi goroesi'r storm ac mae eu bywyd yn edrych yn well nawr.

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Now that the rain has returned we hope that the fruit can grow to maturity rather than desicating on the bush, like the raspberries. It is very good to see the garden returning to its greenness in general as well.

We went out in the afternoon to visit friends in Caldicot. It has been many years since we spent time with them and it was very good to be with them again. It was interesting to hear stories from their life, especially their life during the lockdowns. While things were quite easy for us, things were more difficult for our friends and other people. They have survived the storm and their life is looking better now.

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