Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A very busy day !

I took the grandson Jake and his friend Louie out for the day , we started at the trampoline place in Leamington , that was an hour and a half , I read my book and they turned into a pair of sweaty masses … I suggested we to the park in Warwick where there is a paddling pool , it’s a fun little shallow pool and I’d already asked Louie’s mum to pack swim trunks ‘just in case ‘ … mainly I say that because you never know what you might do especially in the school holidays .., they spent two hours there ! I read more of my book .. then they got changed in the boot of my car .. so that passing people could hear me shout to a closed car ‘hurry up or you’ll suffocate ‘ …
At this point I’d like to explain I have a very long rather large car and it’s always been useful for the kids to get changed in .. they love it because it adds to the fun .. I won’t lie I’ve always struggled to get my underwear on in that space ;-)) AFTER we’ve been to
the beach I hasten to add …..
THEN to entice them to walk the dogs with me I said we could take creepy Halloween masks out with us and take sinister photos … honestly 11 year old boys are so easy to sell a concept to …
They were seriously good fun and very interesting to listen to , they know an awful lot of crap .

Blip is Louie wearing a big cat mask ….. he’s asked if we can go out again ….. I’ll take that as a win xxxx

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