Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Alfred Packer Processing Building Complete

Did the final touches today on the processing building.  The weathering is done although the photo does not really show it well - it is really dirty.  I also see the corner of the corrugated roof needs some glue - always something.
The loading dock will have meat crates etc for the reefer to pickup. And people - do that at the very end.  And a roof sign. The operation owns its own reefer cars with their owner's photo and one of their slogans - "Serving his fellow man".  The extra is a photo of this gentleman owner.

Next building is the cold storage Building and Boiler House.  Then a few stock yard pens. I have another kit that adds on several more stock yard pens.  Onward.  Last touch will be a bunch of Black Angus steers.

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