Long day

It was a long way to go for lunch but it was the beginning of a few days away in the West Country.
We left home at 8 am and drove down the glorious A303 for more than four hours until we reached Devon. We were early for our lunch date but we’re happy to sit outside the pub in the sunshine.
Wee we’re meeting Rosemary a friend of Norman’s from youth club days. They have kept in touch over all these years. An excellent catch up over a very good lunch. The pub is a very ancient building, a typical Devon longhouse.
After a long lunch we had to head back east to Exeter, to the centre of the city and the home of Norman’s brother Cliff where we are gathering for the sad occasion if the funeral of his wife Rita. His whole wonderful family were gathering and we had a very lively evening with lots of chat and banter. It was so good to see all these lovely nephews and nieces and their families who have gathered from far and wide. Our own son Jeremy plus wife Mikki turned up too.

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