The Bells

What a busy day. I dropped Neil off for a blood test which is prior to a routine test for him. Then we went to the vets for Ru and we're using a different cream on his shoulder, and putting on a cone of shame to keep him licking the wound. We're also trying to keep the wound covered which is ... interesting ... and Rufus isn't allowed out because of the cone. He's not thrilled.

After that I had an audiology appointment: my broken hearing aid just needs a new wire, but they didn't have one, so I need to go to Kingston on Tuesday to get one. At least it didn't need to go away for repairs.

On my way home, I saw the kids' activities in the town centre: mostly music making of various sorts, but also a puppet show and a teacup ride.

Then home and a rest until Asda delivery and dinner time. No Evie by Skype because she's helping a friend. 

I'm so glad I felt well enough to do it all today.

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