
By SkiMe


I suppose I am still on a Pink Floyd theme. This is actually the sidewalk by my office - so much is the rain today. The Pink Floyd correlation came only now after I downloaded the picture.

If only I had little CC along with her rain boots and new pink butterfly umbrella to make a picture in the middle of the puddle.... ah, sweet regrets!

Sun is out now and so hopefully going forward, the week will be quite nice indeed. I did go for a bike ride Saturday as promised and came back completely covered in mud and sloshing water in my shoes. haha, it has been a while since I have done something so senseless and so happy-go-lucky. Ahh the days of Youth long lost. I think it took nearly more time to clean up afterwards than the actual bike ride. The shoes are still drying out today. :) So that kept me honest today at lunch.

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