Camera Shy

By Wildstar

2 Birthdays and a Wedding.

Oooh dear! .....not feeling too chipper this morning - nursing a bit of a hangover.  A puzzle really...yes, yes I know what gives you a hangover but it was ill-deserved.  Yes, it was also a free bar...for wine - all other drinks to be paid for.  As they had my usual tipple Zinfandel Rosé I opted for that - it's never let me down - a very unchallenging wine that isn't too upset at being served with ice (philistine that I am). 2  large glasses - to accommodate the ice - and a half not finished should not have given me the room spinning effect when I got home.  I blame the late arrival of a modest buffet.  I don't usually go to an event with a view to "pig out" on food but it was rather late and maybe I was already on the way to a hangover and forgot to drink water,  relying on the ice to reduce alcohol consumption!  Anyway it was a great event - small band playing,  photo booth,  Hawaiian leis etc etc.  I thought the photo booth was the kind that executive style events have that give the "red carpet" effect to guests dressed up in their finery.  Got reluctantly dragged into it and discovered a table of dressing up bits to wear before going in...aargh! 
All good fun - edited clean shots in Extra and the old fashioned look I got from Ginny when I said I was going to relax on the deck instead of taking her for a walk - she went later.
Finished the day off in a gentle way with a drive over to Paglesham for an amble around the Village Show.

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