Geraldton Wax Flowers & Storks Bills

The Geraldton Wax tree is a West Australian bush with lovely waxy flowers and the Stork Bills are another weed which produce quite fascinating corkscrew seeds which can burrow and which also unfortunately get caught in socks and dogs fur etc!  Can definitely see more detail in Large.
We took a little walk around the block this afternoon where I picked these little bits for the vase and Toto seems as fit as a fiddle and as happy as Larry ; ) which I’m thrilled about!  I’ve cooked up a big pot of chicken and vege stew for him as he can only have soft food. 
Gave him a bowl of it tonight and he woofed it down and licked the bowl for ages, I definitely got a seal of approval from him ;; )

Thats Sunday done and dusted, now on with Monday-itis ; )

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