Two Kinds Of Trials From James

At FBC this morning, we found much to rejoice in and be grateful for.  Over the past couple of days, we have received some much-needed rain and there is hope for more in the coming week.  We were able to begin our service by joining our hearts and voices in praise to God, after which we were blessed to witness the baptism of a young boy who  recently professed his faith in Jesus.  After that the choir, orchestra and all our various talented musicians provided a rousing version of "Standing On The Promises" before joining the congregation in a few more songs of praise.  After all that, Pastor Wes took us to James 1:7-9 where we find James writing to people who were experiencing various trials because of their faith in Jesus.  He spoke to those who found themselves in humble circumstances and urged them not to think that because the world around them did not care about them and their lives were difficult, God had forgotten them.  He encouraged them to look to God as the source of their hope and sustenance,  He also warned those who were living in prosperous circumstances, not to depend on their riches and forget to look to God as the source of their hope and sustenance, as well.  We are not to gauge a person's worth in the kingdom of God by their poverty or riches and success, but we are to look at a person's heart as God does.  I encourage you to watch the live-stream where Pastor Wes lays it out very clearly.  Looking forward to whatever showers of blessing God provides this week..... 

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