Sentry Quail.

I spent hours trying to create a double exposure with Snapseed and an uncooperative iPhone photo library. I finally succeeded in producing more or less what I wanted and was informed that it was successfully exported. The question where? I have decided to let go of any idea of finding it  lest my frustration drive me to fling the thing out the window....

Instead I offer the silhouette of a California Quail (the official state bird, I believe) standing sentry on top of a fencepost. His covey is undoubtedly foraging for seeds in the dry grass at the foot of the fence. He's quite brave considering the more or less constant presence of a variety of raptors in the neighborhood. He stood motionless for the entire time we were outside enjoying our evening glass of wine.

It's been a day of other minor frustrations which I have managed to remain calm about. I managed to resurrect my Bose speaker which had gone moribund after a long period of neglect, and to wirelessly connected it to my phone  which contains, along with just about every other aspect of my life, my music. I could probably have connected to my earbuds as well, but I was quite enjoying listening to a random collection of music ranging from 'The Flower of Scotland featuring a Scottish rugby team, some Beethoven, the South African national anthem, 'Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrica', to Leonard Cohen 'out loud' I quite enjoyed it, but I don't think Spike was.  Shows how long it's been... I eventually turned it off, but the speaker kept talking to me until I turned the power off....

The fabric I ordered from Amazon for the back of the triangle quilt has a huge flaw right across the whole width of the fabric. I think I can work around it, which is preferable to trying to exchange it,  but it's a perfect example of why I prefer to go to local stores rather than Amazon.

Without asking me, my computer decided to install updates overnight. When I turned it on and entered the password, I thought I was going to have to reset everything from my desktop wallpaper to, heaven help us, my photos. It took forever to boot up again and I was starting to panic when it finally sprang back to life all restored.

In between all this excitement I mopped the kitchen floor and wiped Spike's nose marks off the walls at Spike nose height (a somewhat backbreaking affair). When next I looked at it, the same large spot which had occasioned my getting the mop out was still there....

All the small annoyances faded away, however, as I reveled in the blessed silence of a Sunday cease fire in the construction wars. . I even managed to put aside the dire predictions of the weather gurus of  'super storms' coming to California.  They are a bit vague about when. All I could think of was that at least it would bring an end to the drought.... 

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