Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Sunrise or floor!

That's the only photos I took today and the sunrise is definitely much nicer than the flooring!  I managed to get most of the lounge carpet up and the hallway and lay thoroughfare that Mr T is pushed over on his sit/stand device.  We had the volunteer lady here, and so I was able to carry on with the upstairs while Mr T wasn't on his own.  I have undercut half of the door frames now, and that is sooo time consuming!  The Japanese pull saw is interesting and works the opposite way to European saws, but one I was used to it cutting on the pull and not the push it really was like a knife through butter.

We had a call from the cognitive nurse too this morning and that was good.  She is going to do speech and language, and physio referrals for Mr T.  She was happy that we were making progress in getting him out of the house.  This time he was actually able to talk to her.  She's going to find out about a referral for the nerve sensitivity (thank you Sue and Lizzie) and also increased his melatonin to see if we can stop the talking/shouting/moaning, and also the thrashing about and fighting the duvet like it's an octopus!

Extras are the sitting room and kitchen as the sun was coming up and the lounge as far as I was able to get today.  This was the most nerve-racking part, would my line be straight once I'd travelled the 11m from my starting point!  I am happy to say it was!

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