Advice to all you sewers out there

This one is for you Inkface  I thought you might find it amusing.

Not done a lot today, renewed my bus pass tried online but ended up having to ring them as the questions didn't ask if I was renewing it only lost stolen or destroyed and then it said I had to pay,  the girl was very nice and its on it's way now.

Took Tanzy to the woods again this morning, it was very different no sunshine just dull and dismal and misty. A woman just coming back to her car said the woods were full of dog walkers well we saw 1 lady with her 3 poodles on the far path and heard 1 person in the distance. otherwise not a sole to be seen. It's sunny now.

I must go and do a bit of vacuuming it's just a quick run round today with the vac. But not before I have my afternoon coffee. Then the hob needs wiping down as the rice boiled over yesterday.

Then will think of what to have for tea. It's either something on toast tonight or cheese toasties. we try to do alternate nights big meal then small meal.

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