By lizzie_birkett

Welcome Home!

We came home from the boat today after I had been to Morrisons to do a biggish shop.Little did I know that Tonya and Yurii had also bought some food so Broccoli it is for the next 3-4 days!
Checking the prices of things it is horrific! I don’t know how some families will manage. They will be forced to use food banks which may not have the food they would normally buy of they could.
What a mess our country and the whole world is.

Anyway, when we got home we got a lovely warm welcome from Tonya and Yurii as I wrote about in my poem.

The Welcome Home Cake

We came home today
to hugs and greetings
and a wonderful aroma
She said, ‘There’s a cake in the oven’
to welcome you home.
We were only away for three days
But you’d think it was a year.
She said, ‘We missed you’.
Then she brought the cake to the table
Pear, mandarin and cinnamon 
With thick creamy yoghurt
and strawberries on top.
It was 12 noon and 
We ate a whole cake between us
two pieces each for lunch.
We were so touched
by such a welcome home
from our new Ukrainian family.

After tea, Frank gave them a guitar lesson. They are keen - see extra.

Off to bed now as I am so tired. 

Goodnight :-) X

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