Soggy doggy

OMG, wasn't it wet this morning. I went out first thing this morning for about 15 mins and I got soaked through to my skin. Usually, if Ann is working in the afternoon, she will then take me out for a couple of hours after we've had our breakfast because being on her feet for a 4 hr shift wears her out and she has no energy left to take me for a long walk when she's finished work.

This morning it was sooooo wet that I only went to Braidburn Valley Park for an hour after breakfast and I ended up a really soggy doggy. I was partly soggy because for the first time in months the burn actually had quite a lot of water in it and I jumped in for a wallow around. But I was mainly soggy because it was raining so hard. In fact Ann had to put her phone into one of my poo bags a clean one obv because she was worried that her pocket wouldn't keep it dry enough.

And just look how dark my fur is. When I get wet, my fur turns ever so dark. It's like I have a complete make-over and look like a completely different collie. Lol!

When Ann got home from work, it had stopped raining so she said, 'Trixie, let's go to Colinton Mains Park in the car and you can play with your ball. I'm too tired to go on a big walk but if you play with your ball, that will make you as tired as me.'

So that is what we did. And now I'm even more tired than Ann. I'm curled up asleep in my little bed dictating my Blip to Ann telepathically. I haven't even bothered to eat my dinner.

And Ann has loads of things to do before she can curl up in bed?!!


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