
By KCNQ2Haiku

Peach and Passionfruit Jaffa cakes

Lunch box for school bought.
Pesto made, played with Grandma.
Emergency blip!

It was after 6pm before I thought of my photo today! We had had a walk into town to pick up a few bits this morning and that led to Ben seeing some lunch boxes he wanted for school.  It was actually fairly convenient as all his stuff was disintegrating by the end of last school year.  He has to have a lunch box (for lunch!) and also an extra large lunch box to carry all his diabetes gear around school - we call it his 'snack pack' as it's full of crackers and juice boxes as well as his monitoring devices.  He also wanted a water bottle but I was able to dissuade him from the one that was hand wash only - any parent lucky enough to have a dishwasher would surely never in a million years consent to hand washing the sticky, grubby things that come home from school??!  Anyway, he's been tired today, it was another disturbed night, it's quite a pattern at the moment.  It's making him less likely to enjoy the activities that usually entertain him (park/walking etc) and he's slurring his words more which is hard work to keep up with.  Ben's speech is unusual at the best of times, he has both an oral and verbal dyspraxia diagnosis meaning not only does his mouth struggle to form the shapes required for speech but the messages from his brain about speech don't easily make it down to his mouth - forgive the lay man's terms :-D So it's an area that's tricky because people who don't know him already find him very difficult to understand.  Anyway, hopefully we'll crack this sleep thing and things will improve.
Grandma came at lunch time today, so Ben has been playing on the trampoline and enjoying some extra attention and older teen has also had been showered with tea and cake.  Ben and I went to Sainsburys in the afternoon and he was quite grumpy when we got back and his blood sugars were high.  Sorted it out eventually but took a lot of insulin, funny how it happens like that sometimes.  
Anyway, didn't think about blip until late so asked Ben to stand by our tree.  There was a mediocre shot and then I asked him to think of something good.  He immediately said, "I've got one.  Peach and Passionfruit Jaffa Cakes" which was what his other Grandma had brought him yesterday.  He is very led by his stomach!!
Bathtime is currently proving a challenge, so tonight's better night's sleep is not looking hopeful :-/ 
Oh well, tomorrow is another day..

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