lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Blue tit

I didn't go very far today, mostly stuck around the farm and walked through some surrounding fields. I saw a fox cub but it saw me and scampered away before I could get a photo. I saw some ducks, rabbits, a heron and some cows. Then I came back here and spent some time watching the bird feeder. The blue tits weren't really shy and there was also a pair of pheasants foraging under the feeder. A great spotted woodpecker was coming and going to this peanut feeder but was much shier.

Additional photos of the birds are on - I'm on my mobile so it's hard to do a link to the exact pictures but they should be the most recent ones there.

I'm still very tired, I intend to get as much rest as possible over the next couple of days as I always seem to be exhausted.

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