
I'd best start tagging these Multiple Exposure Bridge Blips (MEBBS). That's three in a row now, that counts as a (small) series I reckon.

A busy day of the usual and then an evening dragging various boxes of vinyl out of cupboards and sifting through them. I'm giving a few hundred 12"s and LPs away for some theatre thing and whilst I don't mind donating it in the slightest (if anything it's saved me several trips to the charity shop where it was all pretty much destined for anyway) I just wanted to check I wasn't giving them anything that was worth any money. I'm all for helping out the arts but I'm not daft.

Talking of music, I've been listening to a stream of summat that no static's already linked to. And, whilst that's great and well worth a listen, it's only good and proper that I link to summat of my own. Maybe summat that I was singing to myself at work this morning.

"No matter what you do or say, I'm gonna love you anyway"

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