Surprise Find.

T was very excited earlier, shouting upstairs to see if I had done my blip yet, if not, that I must come and see this.  I replied that it would be gone by the time I got down but he assurered me that it would still be there.  He had found this unusual caterpillar on the edge of the lawn.  He had moved it over so that I could get a better shot.  I took several and then he put it back under the hydrangea plant where he had found it.
The task then was to identify it.   It turns out it is an Elephant Hawk Moth Caterpillar or Delephila Elpenor.  So called due to its resemblance to an elephant's trunk.  We should have put it under a fuchsia, apparently as that is their favourite food.
I must admit I was as excited as T to see such an unusual caterpillar in our garden.

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