Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T


Starting to open.  These seem to have been buds for ages, and I thought they would never open.  That's a lot of petals.

All I intended to do today was tidy the mess in the kitchen so I had some worktop and floor space.  Finding homes for things resulted in a much needed cupboard rationalisation and reorganisation.  It's a job on my list in my head so at least a start.  Also I had wanted to do some garden tlc but not enough time!

Washing done and on the line, bedding changed and washed too.  Mr T was sleepy after lunch and so I took the opportunity to fill a Hippobag so the path would be clear for the wheelchair and tidied up most of the old flooring from the driveway.  Still more to do but I need to get the first bag collected.

Today I had intended to reply to all your kind comments, but that will be tomorrow now.  

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