Blossoms and Blooms

Met up with Julian this morning at his Basketball Carnival to enjoy the fun of the day.  His team didnt win overall but they made sure they tried their hardest and had a great time ; )

I called in at Kings Park on my way home to check out the everlastings (paper daisies) which are just at the beginning of their season. A shot of them is in extras as the big blossom as the main stole my heart : )

We have a pair of willy wag tails making a nest on the rooftop garden and I cant believe how quickly the nest is taking shape so there is a shot of that too in extras. Such feisty little birds who chase off much bigger birds even kookaburras and crows and fly above them pecking at their heads, I’d love to get a shot of that! : )

Such a big weekend, I need to get back to work for a rest lol ; )x

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