Benny's Babbies

We haven't been anywhere today, so I am resorting to someone else's art for my blip. We didn't get to see the mechanical bull, but as a memento  I had ordered this special signed Cold War Steve print, Benny's Babbies, the King Kong v The Mechanical Bull edition. It was supposed to be sent just after the Commonwealth Games closed, but there were some delays so it has only just arrived. It was also supposed to be a present for mrsfb, but she wasn't that bothered so I have claimed it, framed it and hung it in my study. I can't really work out who all the people are (apart from Benny), but I assume they are also famous Brummies.

In other news I felt a bit under the weather last night, a bit fluey with a headache and slightly sore throat. I hope it is not Covid. I've felt better during the day and am currently on my second (medicinal) glass of Pimm's. Fingers crossed.

One year ago:
It's Another Dead End!

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