A slightly awkward and ungainly move, but Fi did it on the second try! Well done to her because Caroline didn't manage it, but was then cross with herself, and I didn't even try having already decided that six routes was enough today and taken off my harness. Fi also led her first Severe today, so double well done!!

I was pleased with myself though too, having managed (eventually) to do a route start that is particularly awkward*.  I've climbed it a couple of times before but I'm pretty sure I cheated, but not today. Thanks to Greg for carefully explaining the required sequence of moves. 

* Birchen Edge is well known for it's hard starts, apparently the crag was dug out and the soil sank... if I've got that right. 

I'd thought it was going to be hotter than it was, having put a vest t-shirt on underneath a short sleeved one, but it actually drizzled for a while although didn't make the rock too wet.

New member Ed was great and climbed with Greg, which meant that they both had a confidence boost yay! Ed leads VS at the moment, and before his three year break from climbing was leading E2 I believe. We need more VS plus leaders as most of the Club's regulars are stuck at VD, me included.

We finished in the pub, three cuppas from one pot, and I've had a lovely hot bath now home. I'm leaving the water to go cold and will put it on the garden tomorrow. 

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