Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Last of April

Went in early to watch the floats going down the river, but not early enough! I thought half an hour would be enough, but noo... The city were packed with people waiting by the river sides and on the bridges. I managed to find a spot were I could stand on a small stone thingy and get some shots from the fun place by the first fall.
There were divers jumping into the river and paddlers rode through the fall. They were there for security, just incase someone went in the water, and people did...
This was the second float and it made it down this fall. Then there's another one fall too, further down, but I don't know how it went there. I didn't have the best of views, but it could certainly have been worse, so after a couple of floats passing by this spot I continued along the river. The weather was mostly sunshine but there were rain falling now and then. Lots and lots and lots of people in town, but as far as I could see there were a happy mood and not any trouble. Lots of police in town too.
I got a call from my doctor and my iron levels are a bit low, so I going to be eating pills to get that sorted. Hopefully I'll get a bit less tired...

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